


League: not entered
Team: Columbia_Pictures
Days in game: 843
last login 608 days ago
on the team account: -2 435 430 776 $

Experience of team: 126.98/200
Quantity of footballers: 18
Salary expenses for all footballers: 81 258 400 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
  David Domej 8.810 0 4 512 800 152
  Daniel Gramann 7.590 0 4 523 800 306
  Jessica Seaman 7.085 0 4 513 200 325
  Manuel Seidl 8.120 0 4 523 400 249
half-backs MD
  Evan Berger 6.815 4 4 522 200 383
  Bruno Rafael Bronetta da Silva 0.605 6 4 525 000 1021
  Dustin Wells 7.540 5 4 522 400 312
  Claudio Monassi 8.115 1 4 521 600 249
forwards FC
  Jamie Harnwell 5.355 27 4 526 800 548
  Osmar 6.365 35 4 528 400 460
reserve: 8
full-backs D
  Antun Tony Grdic   7.685 0 4 500 800 236
  Bailey Wright   7.970 0 4 500 400 205
  Renee Harrison   2.210 0 4 503 600 794
  Michael Hjubler   8.185 0 4 511 400 217
  Shane Webb   7.675 0 4 500 800 236
half-backs MD
  Massimo Luongo   8.125 2 4 521 800 249
  Javi Fuego   9.395 0 4 500 000 63
  Leigh Broxham   9.335 0 4 500 000 69
total: 18 / 25 126.98   81 258 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 5.097 13.83
center 14.646 12.88
right flank 10.488 17.276
Power of stuff: 74.221
trainer Graham Rix (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.3548 games: 132
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.2882 games: 12450
The number of won private leagues: 119
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   1 639  
total   1 1 639 1