


League: not entered
Team: AS_de_Monaco
Days in game: 2182
last login 3 days ago
on the team account: 9 042 169 445 $

Experience of team: 485.099/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 232 855 200 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Nekadio Luyindama 4.307 0 1 571 600 473
  Felix Eboa Eboa 7.732 0 4 733 600 488
  Fode Konate 7.315 0 4 571 000 473
  Valentine Ozornwafor 7.315 0 4 571 000 473
half-backs MD
  Joseph Paintsil 7.380 14 4 569 300 473
  Majeed Ashimeru 7.508 17 4 583 300 488
  Samson Tijani   7.430 18 4 574 600 473
forwards FC
  Abou Ouattara 8.595 140 4 594 500 473
  Lebo Mothiba   3.415 15 225 000 235
  Akinkunmi Amoo 7.932 63 4 590 700 488
  Wisdom Ubani   8.147 93 4 585 700 473
reserve: 14
full-backs D
  Hady Sangare   32.200 0 15 270 000 0
  Pape Abou Cisse   18.520 0 7 593 000 0
  Moussa Ndiaye   31.730 0 15 010 500 0
  Alpha Diounkou   32.965 0 15 673 500 0
  Ousseynou Ba   30.670 0 14 415 000 0
half-backs MD
  O Diakite   31.480 0 14 880 000 0
  Cheikh Niasse   32.410 0 15 357 000 0
  Mor Ndiaye   31.915 0 15 088 500 0
  Pape Sarr   18.475 0 7 561 500 0
  Amadou Ciss   32.800 0 15 604 500 0
forwards FC
  Amadou Dia Ndiaye   32.545 0 15 442 500 0
  Zito Luvumbo   18.483 0 7 569 900 0
  Osvaldo Capemba   31.300 0 14 796 000 0
  Amadou Sagna   32.530 0 15 423 000 0
total: 25 / 25 485.099   232 855 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 13.027 14.948
center 15.68 12.864
right flank 16.724 14.865
Power of stuff: 88.11
trainer Robert Moreno (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.2857 games: 860
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.0410 games: 4702
The number of won private leagues: 28
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
France   2 535  
total   1 2 535 1