


League: Premier
Team: zxc2
Days in game: 5917
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 595 577 331 465 $

Experience of team: 773.856/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 369 100 500 $
Stadium: ???????? 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
55 Igor Petrov   5.130 0 326 500 310
full-backs D
11 Baptiste Bertrand   5.375 0 418 700 522
11 Jeremy Da Silva 6.355 0 677 100 998
11 Loic Demangeon 5.025 0 265 600 161
half-backs MD
11 Ejal Meshumar   13.660 111 3 797 800 742
77 Miguel Paniagua 6.655 86 542 300 686
11 Thomas Habler 4.950 5 243 500 111
55 Dejv Kanna   5.125 13 217 600 35
forwards FC
11 Michalis Giannitsanakis 5.180 17 229 400 58
55 Kristof Kraft 10.170 367 839 800 947
55 Sergey Maslov   10.210 1 2 757 700 9
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
10 Martin Zlomislic   50.770 0 24 366 000 0
10 Lukasz Skorupski   38.395 0 18 407 000 3
full-backs D
10 Luciano Spinosi   65.535 0 35 604 000 0
10 Dmytro Shevchenko   65.535 0 39 455 500 0
10 Nikolay Larionov   65.535 0 35 188 500 0
11 Oleksiy Kurylov   65.535 0 41 887 600 403
10 Elmir Nabiullin   52.925 0 25 516 800 0
half-backs MD
10 Fabio Capello   39.396 0 18 768 600 0
10 Stefan Ristovski   65.535 0 33 033 000 0
10 Robert Lee   27.670 0 12 988 500 0
10 Hamza Rafia   62.680 0 29 965 300 5
forwards FC
77 Sergey Bogdanov   12.220 118 3 162 200 379
10 Florian Thauvin   40.510 0 19 521 000 0
10 Manolo Gabbiadini   43.780 0 20 920 500 0
total: 25 / 25 773.856   369 100 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 2.162 8.516
center 20.995 28.419
right flank 30.933 10.155
Power of stuff: 101.183
trainer Harry (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6422 games: 7776
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3186 games: 299137
The number of won private leagues: 37

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Poland   1 970 002 027  
total   39400 1 970 002 027 1