


League: Premier
Team: viking
Days in game: 1505
on the team account: 1 482 192 122 $

Experience of team: 256.54/500
Quantity of footballers: 20
Salary expenses for all footballers: 100 934 200 $
Stadium: scandAL 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
11 Tobias Johansen 11.355 0 5 403 100 537
full-backs D
8 Trond Andersen 7.485 0 1 377 500 2
77 Goran Wigum 10.480 0 4 762 100 252
100 Martin Bjornbak 10.345 0 4 722 000 72
11 Etzaz Hussain 10.700 0 4 895 000 44
22 Ivan Nasberg 10.415 0 4 643 500 337
half-backs MD
7 Martin Tangen Vinjor   12.315 53 4 807 800 574
10 Erling Knudtzon 12.375 0 5 665 500 8
  Kent Havard Eriksen 11.865 0 5 404 500 8
88 Veton Berisha 11.265 13 5 084 100 38
forwards FC
9 Eirik Andersen 11.510 7 5 224 900 21
reserve: 9
goalkeepers GK
1 Emil Odegaard   13.760 0 6 296 500 22
10 Jan Suchoparek   5.465 0 1 281 500 8
full-backs D
3 Jorgen Skjelvik   14.445 0 6 193 400 484
  Fredrik Holme   14.985 0 6 217 100 549
half-backs MD
  Kristoffer Odemarksbakken   15.520 74 6 043 900 555
1 Olav Tuelo Johannesen   13.525 62 5 343 300 554
forwards FC
9 Magnus Solum   19.960 477 6 046 900 942
10 Ole Selnaes     18.665 406 5 797 500 963
11 Henrik Kjelsrud Johansen   20.105 576 5 724 100 961
total: 20 / 25 256.54   100 934 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 8.043 33.314
center 21.476 46.64
right flank 18.965 27.697
Power of stuff: 156.139
trainer Friedrich Koncilia (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9331 games: 999
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9598 games: 3950
The number of won private leagues: 13

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Norway   10 982  
total   1 10 982 1