


League: not entered
Team: litovas1
Days in game: 3582
on the team account: -2 868 225 202 $

Experience of team: 530.702/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 238 562 900 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
1 Sebastiano Desplanches 10.940 0 4 978 300 71
full-backs D
4 Axel Disasi 33.617 0 16 073 800 263
73 Daam Foulon 16.670 0 7 792 200 131
half-backs MD
120 Josh Brownhill 29.430 9 14 260 900 79
22 Nicolas Gonzalez 27.415 47 12 363 700 440
10 Eric Junior Dina Ebimbe 24.325 15 11 617 000 110
33 Aimen Moueffek   29.770 0 14 395 300 131
6 Mauro Junior   31.200 29 14 299 300 487
forwards FC
1 Mohammed Daramy 25.290 144 11 194 900 131
1 Alan Virginius 24.397 502 6 069 800 565
reserve: 15
full-backs D
  Viktor Melekhin   11.755 0 5 612 000 0
3 Mads Roerslev Rasmussen   14.530 0 6 763 500 0
  Emil Holm   29.590 0 13 068 600 542
3 Joe Mendes   12.000 0 5 489 500 98
13 Federico Dimarco   25.195 0 10 434 000 0
111 Victor da Silva   13.885 0 6 447 000 22
half-backs MD
1 Andreas Skov Olsen   29.220 19 14 015 900 131
77 Arthur Theate   3.885 0 522 500 0
10 Orel Mangala   23.955 11 11 317 700 81
  Matte Smets   28.113 105 12 236 200 286
  Marc Roca   29.060 0 14 086 000 9
  Marcel Ruiz   14.500 0 6 748 500 0
2 Benjamin Garre   12.115 0 5 559 000 0
forwards FC
  Mark O Mahony   17.745 94 7 665 800 86
10 Eren Dinkci   12.100 0 5 551 500 0
total: 25 / 25 530.702   238 562 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 47.527 42.222
center 75.622 60.386
right flank 27.384 75.826
Power of stuff: 328.969
trainer Alketas Panagoulias (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5603 games: 1701
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.8986 games: 5338
The number of won private leagues: 27

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   0  
Azerbaijan   16 488  
Lithuania   22 448  
total   52 38 936 3