

League: not entered
Team: kirovsk
Days in game: 3957
last login 3103 days ago
on the team account: -7 280 703 142 $

Experience of team: 109.428/200
Quantity of footballers: 13
Salary expenses for all footballers: 35 617 200 $
Stadium: none 249 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 9
goalkeepers GK
  Arindam Battacharya 10.474 17 4 911 500 863
full-backs D
5 Sylvain Marchal 10.189 0 4 682 600 490
half-backs MD
4 David Mendes da Silva   10.784 52 4 710 100 490
  Andreas Hollingen 10.650 25 4 706 600 448
  Mayoro N Doye 10.378 0 4 728 500 402
forwards FC
10 Mauro Airez 5.301 17 318 600 50
255 Mladen Petrich   5.674 71 368 700 295
23 Simon Dawkins   9.966 433 788 700 1100
11 Conrado Peralta Pino 5.239 42 269 200 176
reserve: 4
goalkeepers GK
99 Agil Etemadi   9.965 2 4 843 600 320
full-backs D
  Ryan Haynes   5.419 0 370 500 18
half-backs MD
99 Alex Cooper   10.348 0 4 702 600 88
forwards FC
  Ben Maund   5.041 10 216 000 34
total: 13 / 25 109.428   35 617 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 21.108 18.083
center 14.892 23.659
right flank 16.459 8.043
Power of stuff: 102.248
trainer Graham Roberts (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.0517 games: 1171
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0909 games: 11552
The number of won private leagues: 23
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Russia   11 169  
total   1 11 169 1