


League: Premier
Team: end
Days in game: 1665
on the team account: 9 321 298 834 $

Experience of team: 390.696/500
Quantity of footballers: 20
Salary expenses for all footballers: 148 701 700 $
Stadium: Stadium end 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
111 Jan Novota 9.110 0 3 027 000 23
full-backs D
  Stephan Auer 17.620 0 8 012 900 272
4 Matteo Vito Lomolino 19.734 0 5 829 100 1124
  Manuel Thurnwald 15.610 0 7 089 200 342
  Niklas Kolbl 16.635 0 7 327 600 558
half-backs MD
  Steffen Hofmann 16.050 31 7 202 300 331
222 Andreas Kuen 16.150 24 7 206 100 401
  Philipp Schobesberger 18.810 39 8 138 100 381
  Michael Schimpelsberger 16.115 16 7 282 300 321
forwards FC
  Marvin Potzmann 16.920 323 6 095 400 670
  Cagatay Kader   20.824 574 6 011 300 886
reserve: 9
goalkeepers GK
  Franz Wohlfahrt   17.347 0 7 705 200 430
full-backs D
4 Thomas Schrammel   17.270 0 7 909 900 281
  Mario Sonnleitner   17.225 0 7 636 700 486
  Christopher Dibon   14.310 0 4 971 400 7
222 Mario Pavelic   13.390 0 4 558 900 13
half-backs MD
  Tamas Szanto   15.790 1 7 246 100 26
forwards FC
  Armand Ella     27.451 999 6 030 600 1099
99 Paul Arriola   65.535 1660 21 521 500 1037
55 Deni Alar   18.800 157 7 900 100 278
total: 20 / 25 390.696   148 701 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 44.513 43.015
center 15.69 56.745
right flank 32.493 46.191
Power of stuff: 238.65
trainer Frantisek Michalek (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.8283 games: 1278
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4517 games: 1670
The number of won private leagues: 6

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Latvia   22 088  
total   1 22 088 1