


League: Premier
Team: bananas
Days in game: 3940
on the team account: 10 093 104 823 $

Experience of team: 433.753/500
Quantity of footballers: 15
Salary expenses for all footballers: 148 645 000 $
Stadium: Banana 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Zac Gibbens 23.950 0 10 135 200 1018
full-backs D
6 Fernando Fajardo 21.185 0 8 885 700 847
4 Andres Filipe Tello 19.395 0 7 794 600 981
19 Nixon Folleco 18.845 0 8 468 500 172
  Arturo Avila 17.080 0 6 748 600 986
half-backs MD
  Ronie Carrillo 17.275 36 7 505 900 189
18 Alvito D Kunja 26.065 108 11 586 800 980
  Ronny Chichande 20.645 104 8 202 000 892
forwards FC
26 Utam Rai   39.430 2187 4 446 800 981
11 Zhasulan Moldakarayev 31.810 836 9 119 600 1137
58 Alfredo Moreno 26.875 580 9 007 900 820
reserve: 4
goalkeepers GK
1 Wayne Sandilands   28.405 0 12 772 900 428
half-backs MD
7 Pyrali Aliyev     37.358 1297 8 469 500 1156
66 Santeri Ahola   39.900 1334 10 252 900 1167
forwards FC
9 Miguel Borja   65.535 2273 25 248 100 1154
total: 15 / 25 433.753   148 645 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 56.827 54.472
center 65.344 63.446
right flank 46.967 54.26
Power of stuff: 341.318
trainer Dick Hendrie (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.6432 games: 3356
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2421 games: 8898
The number of won private leagues: 42

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ecuador   413 270  
total   10 413 270 1