


League: Premier
Team: austria
Days in game: 1683
on the team account: 978 088 543 $

Experience of team: 1285.011/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 378 235 700 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Gabor Kiraj 65.535 830 20 122 800 1191
full-backs D
1 Janos Szabo 65.535 2064 18 688 900 1191
1 Laszlo Bodnar 65.535 1 24 583 600 1191
1 Zsolt Korcsmar 65.535 506 18 876 700 1185
half-backs MD
1 Tamas Hajnal 65.535 1924 22 131 000 1190
1 Istvan Juhasz 65.535 120 22 393 600 1188
1 Mark Kleisz 65.535 3025 12 179 700 1191
forwards FC
1 Marko Futacs 65.535 2888 25 472 100 1183
1 Zoltan Gera 65.535 3114 15 012 100 1183
1 Mihaly Toth 65.535 3115 16 237 200 1191
1 Roland Volent 65.535 2829 13 845 700 1191
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Peter Gulacsi   36.460 0 13 481 700 702
full-backs D
  Kevin Wimmer   34.965 0 11 660 300 689
  Sebastian Prodl   27.830 0 9 663 900 237
  Albert Vallci   29.325 0 9 869 800 891
half-backs MD
  Aristide Guarneri   65.535 1851 19 158 300 1191
100 Dietmar Kuhbauer   30.285 127 9 677 200 938
  Julian Baumgartlinger   30.585 134 9 749 200 1189
  Mauro Camoranesi   65.535 1038 18 750 400 1190
100 Paul Scharner   40.690 101 13 717 100 363
100 Kurt Jara   41.710 0 16 833 000 0
forwards FC
  Oleksandr Fillipov   45.099 2513 7 623 700 751
  Franko Kovacevic   44.764 2470 7 648 800 747
100 Marc Janko   34.344 569 9 798 100 882
100 Roland Linz   36.999 506 11 060 800 771
total: 25 / 25 1285.011   378 235 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 191.688 134.892
center 184.589 184.589
right flank 106.493 134.892
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Gordon Wallace (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.2204 games: 1208
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.3497 games: 1070
The number of won private leagues: 11

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   35 778  
total   1 35 778 1