


League: Premier
Team: _FC_Spartak_Moscow_
Days in game: 5416
last login 6 days ago
on the team account: 79 558 983 726 $

Experience of team: 509.15/750
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 199 025 300 $
Stadium: ??Open Arena?? 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Aleksandr Maksimenko 8.945 0 2 117 300 1144
full-backs D
10 Pavel Maslov 10.970 18 4 894 900 742
10 Ayrton Lucas 11.215 0 5 051 900 1082
10 Srdjan Babic 5.040 0 316 500 54
10 Georgiy Dzhikiya 11.335 0 5 127 600 1037
half-backs MD
10 Danil Denisov 10.545 31 4 666 200 193
10 Daniil Zorin 11.365 59 4 843 300 636
10 Daniil Khlusevich 11.640 94 4 960 800 826
10 Ruslan Litvinov 10.700 0 4 928 000 861
10 Roman Zobnin 14.515 345 5 137 200 1083
forwards FC
10 Quincy Promes 14.950 460 5 031 600 846
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
99 Ilya Svinov   15.340 0 6 687 000 0
99 Aleksandr Selikhov   15.535 0 6 784 500 0
full-backs D
99 Alexis Duarte   27.770 0 12 507 000 22
99 Oleg Reabciuk   13.105 0 5 956 500 0
99 Leon Klassen   47.365 0 17 741 600 632
half-backs MD
99 Maksim Laykin   58.405 0 27 222 000 0
99 Victor Moses   24.235 0 8 854 500 0
99 Christopher Martins Pereira   16.420 0 7 008 000 0
99 Anton Zinkovskiy   19.105 0 7 992 000 0
99 M Ignatov   50.580 0 16 188 500 0
forwards FC
99 Aleksandr Sobolev   41.590 0 17 178 500 0
99 Theo Bongonda   12.640 0 5 730 000 0
99 Vladislav Shitov   45.840 591 12 099 900 463
total: 24 / 25 509.15   199 025 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 5.909 29.511
center 20.643 30.15
right flank 30.427 31.741
Power of stuff: 148.383
trainer Konstantin Beskov (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5017 games: 9804
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1415 games: 73426
The number of won private leagues: 83

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Russia   1 019 906 919  
total   20420 1 019 906 919 1