


League: Premier
Team: ZoriaL
Days in game: 770
last login 4 days ago
on the team account: 4 807 094 896 $

Experience of team: 210.723/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 62 969 400 $
Stadium: Slavutych-Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
2 Vladyslav Kucheruk 12.515 0 5 688 000 83
full-backs D
4 Maksym Imerekov 9.875 0 4 532 700 90
  Siaka Bagayoko 15.660 0 7 448 200 126
95 Roman Popov 9.870 0 4 519 100 62
half-backs MD
  Amier Kamal 22.070 44 10 288 800 294
88 Alvaro Ngamba   13.275 61 930 600 1112
255 Damjan Pavlovic 14.420 0 6 761 500 31
forwards FC
11 Wilian Barbio   20.649 629 5 765 200 840
11 Junior Fernandez 32.810 1663 5 816 000 1101
  Bogdan Kobzar 10.110 35 4 545 200 105
10 Serghey Butelski 14.853 724 850 400 1062
reserve: 6
goalkeepers GK
  Anton Zhylkin   3.060 0 94 000 44
full-backs D
4 Franko Andrijasevic   3.443 0 140 700 148
2 Klimis Alexander   8.208 0 675 800 1037
half-backs MD
  Dmytro Mishnyov   5.005 0 201 000 3
4 Ivan Kovalenko   9.900 1 4 512 200 43
forwards FC
  Ivan Golovkin   5.000 0 200 000 0
total: 17 / 25 210.723   62 969 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 69.133 25.426
center 40.264 31.511
right flank 21.771 40.828
Power of stuff: 228.936
trainer Graham Allner (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.4603 games: 291
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1172 games: 1464
The number of won private leagues: 1

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Paraguay   4 032  
total   1 4 032 1