


League: not entered
Team: Wolverhampton
Days in game: 5674
last login 3 days ago
on the team account: 2 860 599 707 $

Experience of team: 147.97/200
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 41 907 400 $
Stadium: Molineux Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
5 Gavin Bazunu 5.000 0 200 000 0
full-backs D
2 Conor Coady 4.910 7 229 400 86
5 Ben Godfrey 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
half-backs MD
9 Leander Dendoncker 3.000 0 80 000 0
5 Ruben Neves 7.000 0 1 500 000 0
7 Pablo Sarabia 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
5 Curtis Jones 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
5 Anthony Gordon 7.000 0 1 500 000 0
forwards FC
2 Bertrand Traore   5.060 169 338 000 522
8 Adedire Mebude 7.000 0 1 500 000 0
2 Daniel Podence 10.000 0 4 500 000 0
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
8 Ted Curd   7.000 0 1 500 000 0
full-backs D
7 Toti Gomes   5.000 0 200 000 0
2 Ruben Vinagre   3.000 0 80 000 0
8 Callum Doyle   3.000 0 100 000 0
half-backs MD
8 Leo Castledine   7.000 0 1 500 000 0
8 Michael Golding   7.000 0 1 500 000 0
2 Ethan Stuart Galbraith   1.000 0 20 000 0
5 Alex Jay Scott   3.000 0 80 000 0
8 Darko Gyabi   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
forwards FC
7 Goncalo Guedes   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
7 Pedro Lomba Neto   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
8 Ben Doak   3.000 0 80 000 0
total: 23 / 25 147.97   41 907 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 20.475 15.491
center 11.245 22.453
right flank 18.79 9.128
Power of stuff: 97.583
trainer Mick McCarthy (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2711 games: 8020
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.7860 games: 212672
The number of won private leagues: 261

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   1 523 590  
Scotland   848  
total   100 1 524 438 1