


League: Premier
Team: Wales_Liverpool
Days in game: 3593
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 428 081 563 $

Experience of team: 952.999/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 383 595 200 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
22 Alan Hansen 22.010 0 9 988 100 35
14 Carl Fletcher 20.570 0 8 323 400 94
half-backs MD
13 Carl Robinson 19.585 4 8 092 700 43
6 Robbie Savage 24.345 2 11 228 700 33
12 Joey Jones   20.585 8 9 270 100 46
14 Mark Pembridge 17.535 3 7 483 100 29
forwards FC
12 Bryan Lasme 29.260 26 13 612 000 39
16 Leslie Mark Hughes 65.535 828 22 513 700 479
9 John Hartson   65.535 1153 20 492 800 728
10 Ian Rush 25.740 8 11 707 900 21
11 Mickey Thomas 65.535 1728 19 575 800 1024
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Neville Southall   47.093 0 19 303 100 784
21 Paul Jones   32.885 0 15 064 800 47
full-backs D
5 Sam Ricketts   39.895 0 16 637 700 430
4 Andrew Melville   35.295 0 15 689 200 245
2 Mark Delaney   43.770 0 18 766 800 822
99 Robert Page   43.865 0 17 612 700 952
3 Kevin Ratcliffe   43.760 0 17 495 600 813
half-backs MD
17 David Vaughan   46.095 118 19 749 500 737
8 Barry Horne   45.060 63 19 062 400 588
7 Gary Speed   42.115 24 17 267 700 295
23 Graeme Souness   49.733 292 18 865 400 885
forwards FC
18 Dean Saunders   31.808 37 10 797 800 77
24 Ian Callaghan   44.585 67 20 425 800 134
19 Lucky Idahor   30.805 21 14 568 400 31
total: 25 / 25 952.999   383 595 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 127.787 57.763
center 100.391 22.796
right flank 128.354 13.622
Power of stuff: 450.717
trainer Yuri Krasnozhan (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.9600 games: 4243
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.9034 games: 623
The number of won private leagues: 7

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   407  
Austria   25 775  
Belarus   129  
Bulgaria   691  
England   318  
Estonia   896  
Germany   428  
Greece   553  
Ireland   413  
Italy   990  
Latvia   951  
Lithuania   811  
Poland   658  
Russia   1 986  
Spain   879  
Sweden   435  
Ukraine   1 306  
Wales   40 294 988  
total   811 40 332 614 1