


League: not entered
Team: WFC
Days in game: 61
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 226 027 471 $

Experience of team: 42.618/45
Quantity of footballers: 16
Salary expenses for all footballers: 3 236 300 $
Stadium: none 100 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Mirsad Dedic 2.245 0 272 500 752
full-backs D
  Sean Morrison   2.250 0 272 500 752
14 Scott Malone 2.235 0 272 500 752
16 Chris Thackray 2.245 0 272 500 752
half-backs MD
71 Amour Loussoukou 2.965 2 89 600 36
1 Roman Lebed   2.674 57 240 400 619
forwards FC
2 Bersant Celina 3.050 11 91 400 36
9 Pape Thiaw 3.294 129 255 000 615
9 Ousmane NDoje 2.848 109 258 600 668
  Nykyta Isadchenko 3.177 140 256 700 619
9 Frederic Mendy 2.986 167 281 300 752
reserve: 5
full-backs D
10 Frenk Kvidru   2.260 0 257 300 696
3 Dario Bergamelli   3.000 0 80 000 0
half-backs MD
2 Dmitri Likhtarovich   2.159 8 128 500 304
  Connor Mahoney   2.230 6 127 500 290
  Babacar Fati   3.000 0 80 000 0
total: 16 / 25 42.618   3 236 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 7.583 3.89
center 7.245 6.019
right flank 9.375 4.841
Power of stuff: 38.956

Official matches: wins/losses 0.0000 games: 0
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.5726 games: 752
The number of won private leagues: 4
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   195  
total   0 195 1