


League: Premier
Team: Vizantia
Days in game: 3794
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 2 586 241 689 $

Experience of team: 233.845/500
Quantity of footballers: 14
Salary expenses for all footballers: 97 273 600 $
Stadium: POLIS 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
37 Apostolos Bakolas 18.145 0 7 786 400 990
full-backs D
  Avraam Papadopoulos 16.630 0 7 396 100 380
  Angelos Dimitriou   20.855 0 8 950 300 1065
  Georgios Delizisis 16.245 0 7 269 800 219
half-backs MD
  Konstantinos Kostas 18.310 41 8 096 300 279
17 Georgios Lagos 17.375 122 6 523 900 1013
16 Argyris Katsikas 16.950 89 6 610 600 893
  Christos Agrodimos 17.285 21 7 726 700 165
6 Dimitrios Adamakis 20.065 174 7 613 300 907
forwards FC
99 Nikolaos Lyberopoulos 12.325 0 5 607 000 0
77 Ioannis Sotiroglou 23.835 605 7 598 900 907
reserve: 3
full-backs D
28 Paraskevas Antzas   11.885 0 5 377 500 29
23 Traianos Dellas   12.315 0 5 594 500 36
forwards FC
  Georgios Georgiadis   11.625 29 5 122 300 51
total: 14 / 25 233.845   97 273 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 16.881 45.862
center 45.008 49.773
right flank 47.953 51.941
Power of stuff: 257.422
trainer Costica Stefanescu (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3206 games: 3327
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.5912 games: 9063
The number of won private leagues: 46

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Greece   26 262  
total   1 26 262 1