


League: Premier
Team: Viborg_FF
Days in game: 4961
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 677 617 126 $

Experience of team: 140.1/200
Quantity of footballers: 15
Salary expenses for all footballers: 37 046 800 $
Stadium: Viborg Stadion 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Alejandro Miguel Sanchez   0.730 0 274 800 748
full-backs D
  Andrea Nocerino 2.490 0 84 000 62
  Adrijan Majmesku 2.145 2 157 400 295
  Abdoulaye Kote 0.605 0 151 800 425
  Adrian Murphy 1.645 0 93 400 171
  Alexandru Dragomir 2.490 0 84 000 62
half-backs MD
  Aleksei Zaytsev 0.965 1 95 100 252
  Alen Coralic 2.470 0 82 000 62
  Adam Stefanec 2.470 0 82 000 62
  Anton Lichtenberg 2.605 0 80 500 43
forwards FC
  Bader Al Mutwa 2.330 11 88 200 94
reserve: 4
full-backs D
87 Christoffer Eriksson   18.745 0 8 426 900 66
87 Mahesh Gavli   22.625 0 9 920 000 2
forwards FC
15 Roberto Soldado   37.380 1728 7 379 000 892
87 Cenk Tosun     40.405 1537 10 047 700 477
total: 15 / 25 140.1   37 046 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 3.805
center 6.125 6.915
right flank 0.482 3.615
Power of stuff: 20.945
trainer Nicky Butt (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.4225 games: 3563
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9775 games: 246135
The number of won private leagues: 411

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Denmark   1 499 995 556  
total   30000 1 499 995 556 1