


League: Premier
Team: Urugvay
Days in game: 585
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 510 418 926 $

Experience of team: 164.23/200
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 50 265 800 $
Stadium: Atlantida stadion 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
78 Gustavo Adolfo Munua 2.977 0 590 100 333
full-backs D
3 Dario Rodriguez 4.248 0 716 500 14
4 Diego Luis Lopez 4.188 0 677 000 39
15 Marcelo Romero 3.947 0 649 800 474
half-backs MD
17 Dario Silva 3.422 2 486 000 91
7 Pablo Gabriel Garcia 3.004 1 136 600 49
17 Pedro Miguel Rocha 2.982 0 129 000 49
8 Mario Regueiro 3.067 4 195 700 72
forwards FC
11 Richard Morales 2.913 6 142 500 61
  Federico Magallanes 5.770 6 1 463 600 50
9 Daniel Fonseca 3.066 7 312 600 90
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
1 Fabian Carini   8.048 0 1 735 900 412
full-backs D
10 Alfonso Dominguez   12.797 0 6 094 700 278
1 Pablo Forlan   10.725 0 4 739 000 55
1 Felipe Revelez   6.050 0 1 699 700 101
4 Hector Vilches   5.430 0 1 318 400 43
54 Sebastian Eguren   10.785 0 4 774 300 147
3 Gustavo Mendez   7.828 0 1 661 000 404
5 Gonzalo De los Santos   7.430 0 1 361 000 3
10 Hose Herrera Korominas   12.948 0 5 549 700 612
half-backs MD
5 Gianni Guigou   5.925 0 1 516 900 31
88 Diego Perez   13.240 6 6 103 600 118
18 Guillermo Giacomazzi   5.905 1 1 508 600 58
forwards FC
10 Carlos Bueno   13.605 67 6 154 500 146
9 Carlos Eber Bueno   3.930 22 549 100 65
total: 25 / 25 164.23   50 265 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 4.961 7.397
center 7.918 9.922
right flank 10.551 9.784
Power of stuff: 50.535
trainer Gustavo de Simone (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.2464 games: 197
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.5863 games: 729
The number of won private leagues: 1
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Uruguay   827  
total   1 827 1