


League: Premier
Team: Universidad_Catolica
Days in game: 3225
on the team account: 1 637 181 739 $

Experience of team: 929.439/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 222 579 000 $
Stadium: San Carlos de Apoquindo Santiago 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
40 Nikolay Zabolotny 10.010 0 4 512 000 18
full-backs D
37 Marcelo Alves 6.990 0 1 510 500 18
36 Kirill Zaika 7.008 0 1 515 900 18
31 Ben Gibson 9.990 0 4 506 000 18
32 Michael Turner 9.990 0 4 506 000 18
half-backs MD
33 Nicos Nicolaou 11.442 17 4 622 200 150
34 Kees de Boer 10.045 5 4 508 000 18
forwards FC
41 Bilal Ould-Chikh 10.105 11 4 509 200 18
39 Luka Djordjevic 10.097 8 4 519 700 18
35 Bradley Wright-Phillips 10.075 8 4 508 600 18
38 Yuji Ono 10.085 9 4 508 800 18
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
1 Ingvar Jonsson   60.089 1173 18 315 500 912
full-backs D
5 Axel Oskar Andresson   55.435 3062 9 307 000 855
6 Ellert Finnbogi Eiriksson   59.320 1357 17 955 300 750
77 Solvi Ottesen   58.943 3032 10 741 400 876
half-backs MD
8 Tomas Gudmundsson   65.535 3173 12 508 100 990
75 Ari Steinn Gudmundsson   65.535 3142 13 212 100 987
4 Baldur Sigurdsson   65.535 3174 13 463 100 1012
7 Alexander Veigar Thorarinsson     65.535 3121 14 691 700 1020
forwards FC
9 Ragnar Bragi Sveinsson   65.535 3260 14 119 200 973
12 Hoerdur Sveinsson   65.535 3245 13 825 100 975
11 Ragnar Snorrason   65.535 3217 13 306 800 986
10 Magnus Sverrir Thorsteinsson     65.535 3282 13 626 900 1013
14 Elmar Dan Sigtorsson     65.535 3300 13 779 900 997
total: 24 / 25 929.439   222 579 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 13.11 21.868
center 29.278 29.78
right flank 26.223 17.324
Power of stuff: 137.585
trainer Nigel Pearson (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4431 games: 2149
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0248 games: 40250
The number of won private leagues: 81

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Chile   11 749  
Cyprus   550 133  
total   13 561 882 2