


League: Premier
Team: The_Reds
Days in game: 3146
on the team account: 515 118 419 $

Experience of team: 923.872/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 204 904 500 $
Stadium: Enfield 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Adrian Bieniek 2.490 0 80 000 52
full-backs D
  Abonima 0.600 0 20 000 40
90 Acai 0.610 0 20 000 40
  Alex DeJohn 2.490 0 80 000 52
  Aleksandr Sandrachuk 2.490 0 80 000 52
1 Alin Dobrosavlevici 2.490 0 80 000 52
half-backs MD
  Ali Asadalla Thaimn 2.485 0 80 000 52
3 Aleksandr Troshechkin 2.485 0 80 000 52
  Abdulla Al Sulaiti 2.485 0 80 000 52
1 Adrien Hunou 2.495 1 80 200 52
forwards FC
1 A Makarov 1.000 0 20 000 0
reserve: 14
full-backs D
4 Tomash Ujfalushi   57.167 2062 15 268 900 585
2 Denzil Ferrao   58.165 2971 10 474 600 937
3 Aldekoaotalora Ustaritz   65.535 2139 17 575 100 874
half-backs MD
32 Troy Hearfield     65.535 3005 12 502 300 977
76 Michihiro Yasuda   65.535 2871 14 728 000 998
75 Hidetoshi Wakui   65.535 2823 15 211 600 1037
23 Kerem Koray Sahin   65.535 2995 14 650 000 1029
forwards FC
11 Guillaume Francois   65.535 3132 14 303 100 1022
22 Branko Buljevic   65.535 3176 14 170 000 997
8 Taylor Morales     65.535 3232 12 250 100 939
9 Miguel Davis   65.535 3199 14 495 500 967
77 Ha   65.535 3216 16 806 100 954
7 Antonio Hrncevic   65.535 3111 15 273 000 1037
10 Daniel Quiros   65.535 3283 16 496 000 1004
total: 25 / 25 923.872   204 904 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 3.625
center 4.734 7.655
right flank 1.242 4.862
Power of stuff: 22.12
trainer Jose Perdomo (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.0804 games: 1868
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2004 games: 12367
The number of won private leagues: 55

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   1 858  
Ecuador   1 819  
Romania   25 375  
USA   1 998  
total   1 31 050 4