


League: Premier
Team: Squadra_Azzurra
Days in game: 4620
on the team account: 12 938 848 135 $

Experience of team: 992.785/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 432 677 700 $
Stadium: Italia 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Morgan De Sanctis   38.465 0 15 506 100 1161
full-backs D
2 Pietro Vierchowod 38.595 0 18 175 000 135
4 Riccardo Ferri 39.755 0 16 722 900 1011
99 Matteo Ferrari 41.630 0 18 221 700 777
3 Fulvio Collovati 41.230 0 18 482 700 638
half-backs MD
15 Mario Bertini 48.100 93 20 375 200 714
13 Giancarlo Antognoni 46.695 83 20 212 300 576
8 Luigi de Agostini   52.225 332 20 544 200 992
forwards FC
9 Salvatore Schillaci 52.510 532 21 016 400 493
11 Giuseppe Signori   61.870 761 23 161 000 668
20 Maksim Obolskiy   65.535 1659 21 844 500 1081
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
21 Luca Marchegiani   36.585 0 17 437 000 109
22 Nick Olij   23.250 0 10 894 500 9
full-backs D
5 Francesco Coco   30.395 0 13 914 000 35
25 Joel Ward   24.715 0 11 213 400 19
6 Claudio Gentile   41.255 0 18 794 100 476
12 Tarcisio Burgnich   29.510 0 13 992 000 15
half-backs MD
7 Simone Barone   38.710 1 18 602 600 13
13 Giuseppe Giannini   30.120 3 14 311 300 15
88 Salvatore Bagni   47.245 0 21 801 500 216
14 Romeo Benetti   36.035 4 17 198 200 17
77 Gianpiero Marini   22.155 3 10 186 100 13
forwards FC
77 Gianfranco Zola   31.470 20 14 859 000 22
10 Antonio Di Natale     44.770 65 21 038 700 110
77 Vincenzo Montella   29.960 7 14 173 300 14
total: 25 / 25 992.785   432 677 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 115.546 126.459
center 113.524 90.225
right flank 111.696 127.138
Power of stuff: 684.59
trainer Carlos Alberto Parreira (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.4372 games: 8326
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.6440 games: 16697
The number of won private leagues: 176

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   230  
Belgium   212  
Bulgaria   764  
England   3 503  
Germany   14 018 145  
Greece   261  
Israel   288  
Italy   271 927 977  
Netherlands   272  
Russia   4 041  
Slovenia   843  
Spain   575  
Sweden   110  
Switzerland   140  
Ukraine   1 938  
total   5723 285 959 299 1