


League: Premier
Team: SC_Cambuur-Leeuwarden
Days in game: 1310
on the team account: 219 056 469 670 $

Experience of team: 608.704/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 245 084 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Ivan Da Silva   22.255 9 7 863 300 1066
full-backs D
  Joaquim Henrique 14.865 0 5 010 300 825
2 Kaique Rocha 16.180 0 7 533 000 0
2 Heitor Rodrigues 11.615 0 4 725 800 270
32 Thomas Foket 15.110 0 5 989 000 386
half-backs MD
10 Biel Vicens 16.445 140 5 328 600 936
18 Michel Vlap   20.440 119 9 143 500 794
15 Bruno Gomes da Silva 25.536 806 7 367 500 317
forwards FC
12 Schon Szabolcs 25.000 551 8 203 200 297
  Nino Zugelj 12.220 0 5 586 000 0
  Elias Achouri 11.155 0 5 076 000 0
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Kaique Pereira   28.210 0 13 351 500 0
1 Yann Sommer   27.655 0 13 057 700 74
full-backs D
39 Japhet Tanganga   22.960 0 10 789 000 19
4 David Brekalo   37.885 0 18 256 500 0
3 Borges dos Santos   18.115 0 8 467 500 0
half-backs MD
7 Timothy Tillman   21.385 0 10 095 000 0
  Kevin Agudelo   25.570 0 11 973 000 0
  Arno Verschueren   25.135 0 11 833 500 0
11 Gabriel Pec   30.385 0 14 541 000 0
forwards FC
2 Federico Vinas   35.922 819 12 495 700 280
255 Erison   55.555 2164 14 361 700 802
  Emmanuel Latte Lath     37.607 683 13 593 600 756
3 Jerry Yates   21.730 0 10 368 600 4
49 Amadou Diallo   29.769 706 10 073 600 336
total: 25 / 25 608.704   245 084 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 19.845 39.915
center 54.442 56.194
right flank 29.171 43.963
Power of stuff: 243.534
trainer Jose Angel Ziganda (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.4101 games: 1420
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.1336 games: 12319
The number of won private leagues: 97

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   437 466  
Netherlands   29 487 153  
total   600 29 924 619 1