


League: Premier
Team: Rubin
Days in game: 4822
last login 19 days ago
on the team account: 305 100 536 $

Experience of team: 68.668/200
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 16 150 100 $
Stadium: Rubin Kazan 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
84 Joe Bendik 1.605 0 373 000 933
full-backs D
78 Goran Adamovic 1.310 0 276 400 765
33 Bakary Soumare 1.260 0 239 500 654
  Evan Osam 3.625 0 325 500 522
half-backs MD
21 Jairo Palomino 9.310 80 4 758 600 749
19 Gints Freimanis 2.365 13 324 600 696
17 Kwame Attram   6.770 1 1 502 200 31
forwards FC
53 Krste Velkoski   11.355 286 4 819 800 799
13 Shaun Tuck 4.895 10 214 000 50
77 Kendall Jagdeosingh 5.205 127 341 000 402
9 Ricky Sappleton   7.200 377 552 500 843
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
88 Zoltan Czirjek   1.760 0 218 400 544
full-backs D
4 Sofyane Cherfa     0.495 0 251 200 805
half-backs MD
15 Ovidy Karuru   2.435 69 516 400 1153
26 Aziz Njaj   0.603 17 197 300 648
45 Jelle Adriaensen   2.020 72 417 000 1112
7 Vasilis Manolis   0.953 50 222 900 740
42 Petar Vukcevic   1.276 25 163 900 458
8 Haruna Niyonzima   2.705 0 148 700 200
5 Tonny Mawejje     0.494 4 122 600 410
  Scott Barrow   1.027 0 164 600 469
total: 21 / 25 68.668   16 150 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 15.722 1.514
center 10.43 14.574
right flank 24.552 4.572
Power of stuff: 71.367
trainer Tim Harris (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.5440 games: 4612
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1001 games: 8290
The number of won private leagues: 29
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Armenia   409 501  
total   23 409 501 1