


League: not entered
Team: Rio_de_Janeiro
Days in game: 1119
on the team account: 699 360 818 $

Experience of team: 247.502/500
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 57 995 200 $
Stadium: Rio 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
22 Albrecht Fertinger 2.095 0 96 400 135
full-backs D
  Achilleas Sarakatsanos 2.765 0 97 600 69
  Aleksandr Stepanov 2.185 0 80 400 85
  Kostas Konstantinou 1.235 2 275 400 680
  Atakan Gunduz 2.205 0 84 400 94
  Abdulaziz Kahtran 2.035 0 100 400 153
half-backs MD
  Aleksandr Rogov 1.925 1 80 600 112
169 Alieu Darbo 1.290 7 222 800 544
  Abder Ziriouhi 0.535 22 225 800 635
  Alfonso Motagalvan 1.785 0 80 400 125
forwards FC
  Akira Toshima 1.965 5 81 400 112
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
1 Mouhamadou Fallou Sarr   18.067 80 5 122 800 726
47 Maksim Semenov   20.038 281 5 163 200 723
55 Baptiste Valette   20.076 367 5 108 800 635
99 Pepe Bonet   20.036 385 5 092 600 615
full-backs D
5 Sean St Ledger   18.071 44 5 139 400 758
12 Denis Osokin   18.069 23 5 151 400 781
2 Alexander Zetterstrom   20.064 514 5 019 200 493
3 Cesare Bovo   20.068 483 5 031 800 517
6 Unai Bustinza   20.062 516 5 020 000 489
half-backs MD
16 Hyoran   20.022 577 4 976 200 421
64 Alessandro De Bonis   12.885 65 856 400 938
7 Ihsan Sacko   20.024 728 4 887 800 285
total: 23 / 25 247.502   57 995 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 2.844
center 3.852 6.625
right flank 0.962 5.078
Power of stuff: 19.364
trainer Mario Boye (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.0593 games: 127
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2978 games: 4466
The number of won private leagues: 29
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Brazil   11 377  
total   1 11 377 1