


League: Premier
Team: RealKiev
Days in game: 3648
on the team account: 3 155 273 038 $

Experience of team: 500.492/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 234 355 400 $
Stadium: Stadium 1 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Joshua Enaholo 9.470 0 4 633 600 375
full-backs D
2 Chidozie Awaziem 9.470 0 4 633 600 375
3 Michael Odibe 9.475 0 4 653 100 375
4 Peter Ambrose 9.470 0 4 633 600 375
half-backs MD
5 Adam Deja 9.830 29 4 668 100 396
6 Reuben Shalu Gabriel   9.780 29 4 650 100 375
7 Theophilus Awua 9.505 0 4 659 300 375
8 Oghenekaro Etebo 10.160 68 4 657 900 375
forwards FC
9 Aleksandar Milic 15.353 581 4 895 400 718
10 Promise Isaac 11.115 164 4 677 100 375
11 Serigne Fallou Diagne 11.085 161 4 681 000 375
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Artur Rudko   18.910 0 8 911 500 0
full-backs D
  Stanislav Hudz   29.302 0 13 658 400 288
  Paul Kutas   18.040 0 8 469 000 0
  Yuri Putrash   32.090 0 15 037 300 141
  Yvan Dibango   23.140 0 10 987 500 0
  Vitali Fedoriv   19.060 0 8 977 500 0
half-backs MD
  Ihor Khudobyak   27.760 0 13 263 000 0
  Oleg Volkov   31.492 61 14 379 400 273
  Artem Chelyadin   23.395 0 11 104 500 0
  Ondrej Mazuch   41.020 0 19 810 500 0
forwards FC
  Michail Koman   39.370 0 19 003 500 0
  Eduardo Dudu   10.525 0 4 756 500 0
  Artem Polyarus   35.800 0 17 272 500 0
  Dmytro Khlyobas   35.875 0 17 281 500 0
total: 25 / 25 500.492   234 355 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 17.588 13.44
center 39.255 47.741
right flank 17.643 13.453
Power of stuff: 149.124
trainer Adrie Koster (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9203 games: 1744
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.6385 games: 1594
The number of won private leagues: 6

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Nigeria   19 064  
total   4 19 064 1