


League: not entered
Team: RMFC
Days in game: 1122
on the team account: 413 917 137 $

Experience of team: 126.758/200
Quantity of footballers: 20
Salary expenses for all footballers: 31 627 400 $
Stadium: Santiago 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Ali Ayari 2.695 0 255 600 499
  Adrian Laureda 0.935 0 255 200 707
full-backs D
  Andreas Moog 3.120 2 195 200 281
3 Anatoliy Percovskiy 3.725 1 195 000 220
4 Andrea Servi 2.255 0 80 000 75
  Abijah Danan 0.955 26 248 000 676
  Akhmad Magomedov 0.975 0 223 600 622
half-backs MD
  Alessandro Marani   0.880 14 258 000 686
  Abdi Sharif 2.150 7 143 800 264
  Alexander Meszarosh 1.870 7 122 200 237
forwards FC
15 Aco Stojkov 0.875 9 113 800 309
reserve: 9
full-backs D
  Angel Rahov   1.035 2 336 000 898
7 Andre Mijatovic   11.438 0 4 616 800 143
43 Abdallah Liegeon   11.438 0 4 616 800 143
half-backs MD
10 Felipe Melo   20.041 794 4 852 200 223
11 Joao Pedro Geraldino   20.021 797 4 839 000 225
  Abbos Amonov   1.915 5 85 000 127
8 Amar Sejdic   11.145 85 762 800 979
4 Arnaud Souquet   12.762 33 4 709 800 254
67 Adam Maher   16.528 509 4 718 600 143
total: 20 / 25 126.758   31 627 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 1.293 0.858
center 0.997 0.174
right flank 0.988 1.029
Power of stuff: 5.34
trainer Steve Cross (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.1061 games: 149
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8815 games: 8213
The number of won private leagues: 28
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Venezuela   12 043  
total   1 12 043 1