


League: not entered
Team: Qarabagh_FC
Days in game: 5258
last login 182 days ago
on the team account: 61 116 427 575 $

Experience of team: 105.323/200
Quantity of footballers: 21
Salary expenses for all footballers: 12 676 400 $
Stadium: Guzanli 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Salakhat Agaev 4.625 0 345 600 366
full-backs D
3 Ruslan Abishov 4.495 0 225 500 107
3 Rashad 4.220 0 491 800 748
3 Ridvan Simsek   4.690 0 472 400 640
3 Aslan Kerimov   4.560 0 629 400 1016
half-backs MD
99 Shahriyar Khalilov   5.689 146 670 600 1136
99 Budag Nasirov 4.500 6 244 700 156
99 Javid Huseynov 4.100 0 440 400 650
99 Mirkamil Seyidoglu   4.430 11 272 400 236
forwards FC
111 Amil Yunanov 8.685 261 1 759 800 581
111 Dimitij Nazarov 10.685 196 4 656 300 384
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
1 Mohsen Forouzan   2.017 0 408 900 937
1 Bakhtiyar Gozalov   4.665 0 236 700 118
full-backs D
3 Shahriyar Rahimov     5.010 0 231 300 78
3 Nico Perrey   4.735 0 256 500 153
3 Tural Narimanov   4.625 0 286 200 234
half-backs MD
85 Tural Akhundov   2.990 0 80 000 1
99 Vugar Mustafayev   4.552 8 297 200 303
forwards FC
111 Mertan Caner Ozturk     5.160 12 209 000 12
111 Kevin Scheidhauer   5.805 60 251 800 64
111 Vagif Javadov   5.085 12 209 900 21
total: 21 / 25 105.323   12 676 400  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 29.953 15.448
center 6.504 22.047
right flank 0 4.925
Power of stuff: 78.88
trainer Senol Gunes (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2776 games: 5060
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1162 games: 107537
The number of won private leagues: 222

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   893  
Azerbaijan   1 539  
England   711  
Germany   876  
Russia   3 857 117  
Spain   1 233  
Ukraine   1 428  
Venezuela   136 662 053  
total   2902 140 525 850 2