


League: not entered
Team: PrestigeMasters
Days in game: 4690
last login 601 days ago
on the team account: -3 176 319 531 $

Experience of team: 179.842/200
Quantity of footballers: 18
Salary expenses for all footballers: 83 427 800 $
Stadium: Marconilaan Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
1 Bart de Keijzer 9.705 0 4 555 800 161
full-backs D
86 Dion Dickhoff 9.674 0 4 560 800 176
99 Bjorn van der Doelen 9.780 0 4 521 000 60
  Jordy van der Winden 9.789 0 4 533 000 100
half-backs MD
100 Michael de Leeuw 9.564 14 4 583 200 261
10 Patrick Pluim 9.584 16 4 583 600 261
6 Calvin van der Horst 9.905 3 4 532 000 76
forwards FC
77 Henk van Essen 10.169 65 4 567 000 185
26 Bert den Hamer 10.053 71 4 594 400 261
  Gilbrano Plet 9.988 29 4 536 600 100
reserve: 8
full-backs D
  Bart Vriends   9.991 0 4 752 000 185
4 Chedric Seedorf   9.991 0 4 752 000 185
  Gerben Tieltjes   10.095 0 4 750 800 161
half-backs MD
  Kevin Dercks   10.162 2 4 725 400 100
185 Dick Tol   10.237 3 4 724 600 85
forwards FC
12 Clive Keus   10.402 0 4 701 000 0
15 Donovan Mijnals   10.400 0 4 700 000 0
  Guyon Philips   10.353 31 4 754 600 161
total: 18 / 25 179.842   83 427 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 26.673 20.045
center 12.661 29.442
right flank 16.176 20.027
Power of stuff: 125.026
trainer Edmond Delfour (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5556 games: 566
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 3.1835 games: 4731
The number of won private leagues: 38

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Moldova   45 320  
Netherlands   2 936  
Nigeria   278  
Spain   793  
total   6 49 327 4