


League: First B
Team: Philadelphia_Eagles
Days in game: 3130
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 551 607 173 $

Experience of team: 759.622/1050
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 181 349 500 $
Stadium: Richmond 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
77 Carlos Roa 5.730 0 339 500 285
full-backs D
  Alehandro Varela 3.140 0 161 000 188
  Abbubaker Mobara 3.900 24 334 300 551
  Alexis Sosa 3.845 13 334 800 565
  Akos Szala 3.885 10 341 200 572
  Andy Minolien 4.380 13 417 700 702
half-backs MD
  Adenilson Olivejra 1.835 23 145 800 251
  Adam Zverets 3.230 34 272 300 461
  Aleksey Slivin 3.715 10 196 500 218
  Allie Long 4.207 61 317 800 514
forwards FC
  Adilkhan Zhumay 2.170 37 202 500 392
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
1 Dario Lombardi   20.263 55 5 658 000 911
16 Mantas Kavaliauskas   52.932 147 19 804 100 981
full-backs D
36 Bikash Yumnam   56.575 3016 9 786 600 918
28 Benoit Angbwa     65.535 2096 18 036 000 1047
half-backs MD
32 Kristjan Floki Finnbogason   65.535 3209 18 035 000 1048
34 Tadas Eliosius   65.535 2997 13 403 000 988
23 Magnus Thor Magnusson   65.535 3185 17 984 400 1094
31 Potsangbam Renedy Singh   65.535 3007 14 138 600 1086
forwards FC
99 Kestutis Cybas   65.535 3128 14 088 400 933
37 Yannick Buhlmann   65.535 3250 12 175 000 1080
45 Ricardo Da Costa   65.535 3221 16 941 600 1093
44 Halldor Orri Hjaltason     65.535 3326 18 235 400 1059
total: 23 / 25 759.622   181 349 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 8.812
center 7.908 15.261
right flank 0.917 8.855
Power of stuff: 41.756
trainer Hugo Sanchez (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.2346 games: 2069
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8729 games: 3742
The number of won private leagues: 36

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   13 573  
Lithuania   230 547  
total   6 244 120 2