


League: not entered
Days in game: 5891
last login 3163 days ago
on the team account: 13 003 711 560 $

Experience of team: 14.357/45
Quantity of footballers: 5
Salary expenses for all footballers: 5 327 200 $
Stadium: Luzhniki Stadium 248 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
reserve: 5
goalkeepers GK
18 Hans Eriksen Norbye   0.880 0 189 600 667
half-backs MD
20 Thomas Drage   1.265 38 343 900 1029
20 Ruben Yttergard Jenssen   1.207 12 139 200 452
8 Magnus Andersen   1.005 0 154 500 515
11 Thomas Kind Bendiksen   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
total: 5 / 25 14.357   5 327 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 0
center 0 0
right flank 0 0
Power of stuff: 0
trainer Sakki Arrigo (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2188 games: 4139
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8858 games: 14553
The number of won private leagues: 0

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Czech   50 009  
Russia   435  
total   3 50 444 2