


League: not entered
Team: Optimus
Days in game: 844
last login 611 days ago
on the team account: -990 522 502 $

Experience of team: 100.25/200
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 61 903 900 $
Stadium: 249 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Damianos Psychos 6.245 0 4 510 000 411
full-backs D
  Antonis Ikonomopoulos 5.260 0 1 504 000 189
10 Apostolos Papazoudis 5.270 0 1 504 000 189
  Antonis Tragoulias 8.260 0 4 504 000 189
22 Leonardo Koutris 8.260 0 4 504 000 189
half-backs MD
  Dimitrios Petridis 0.635 17 1 575 400 919
  Ergkious Larti 0.895 19 1 565 800 859
  Andreas Arkoumanis 7.640 0 4 502 400 254
10 Christos Botsivalis 6.870 0 4 502 400 339
forwards FC
19 Giorgos Gravanis 6.815 4 4 503 200 339
  Dimitrios Drosos 0.620 51 275 000 707
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
  Christos Dallas     2.800 5 4 601 400 1085
  Charalampos Alysandratos   5.020 0 4 641 700 1067
full-backs D
  Angelos Karantasiadis   5.705 0 1 506 000 150
4 Antonis Vatousiadis   5.695 0 1 506 000 150
99 Angelos Vertzos   8.695 0 4 506 000 150
  Konstantinos Zdravos-Rizos   8.695 0 4 506 000 150
half-backs MD
  Dimitrios Grontis     0.860 25 1 610 200 980
  Christos Kostopoulos   0.700 38 1 626 000 1066
  Dionysis Belis   0.865 29 1 581 000 919
  Dimitrios Sounas   0.860 44 1 612 800 993
forwards FC
  Marios Georgopoulos   1.170 27 233 800 510
  Marios Ogboe     1.245 73 306 600 755
  Manolis Skivalos   1.170 9 216 200 443
total: 24 / 25 100.25   61 903 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 4.756 21.625
center 9.356 10.047
right flank 5.978 22.035
Power of stuff: 73.799

Official matches: wins/losses 0.0139 games: 78
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.2544 games: 8839
The number of won private leagues: 42
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Greece   25 611  
total   10 25 611 1