


League: Premier
Team: Olympique_de_Marseille
Days in game: 4821
last login 19 days ago
on the team account: 563 304 731 $

Experience of team: 52.942/200
Quantity of footballers: 20
Salary expenses for all footballers: 21 329 500 $
Stadium: Olimpiq 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
35 Youn Czekanowicz 2.930 0 80 000 7
full-backs D
96 Richard Andrew Martinez 5.530 0 4 618 600 738
  Caique Maria 9.710 0 4 502 200 33
  Bryan Carabali 4.610 0 1 545 200 347
  David Domgjoni 2.970 0 1 604 700 654
half-backs MD
66 Osvaldo Alonso 5.520 9 1 520 900 214
4 Ruslan Mingazov 4.625 0 201 100 42
  Geofrey Bahati Mwashiuya   6.860 6 4 557 500 475
88 Tonia Tisdell 1.050 16 287 500 637
forwards FC
55 Faton Seferi 1.160 23 110 100 271
51 Philipp Ospelt 2.625 1 80 700 41
reserve: 9
goalkeepers GK
64 Syazwan Buhari     0.555 0 181 200 527
half-backs MD
6 Ermek Abdylbaev   0.568 20 171 200 530
8 Pavel Sidorenko   0.585 43 348 600 855
75 Sean Cameron   0.505 35 182 500 611
34 Talal Al Amer   0.505 27 180 800 528
17 Sohrab Mammadzade   0.503 6 277 600 750
23 Milad Fakhreddini   0.506 34 322 300 901
forwards FC
10 Chris Musto   0.810 172 404 600 1024
28 Mao Biao   0.815 47 152 200 414
total: 20 / 25 52.942   21 329 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 6.417 14.448
center 5.369 16.089
right flank 5.096 14.445
Power of stuff: 61.866
trainer George Collins (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.3045 games: 4705
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.8067 games: 8908
The number of won private leagues: 17
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   805 400  
total   50 805 400 1