


League: not entered
Team: Naftovyk
Days in game: 3542
last login 1654 days ago
on the team account: -523 512 879 $

Experience of team: 56.71/200
Quantity of footballers: 16
Salary expenses for all footballers: 5 975 300 $
Stadium: ??????? ????? 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
14 Andriy Kozhukhar 2.654 5 297 700 565
full-backs D
2 Artem Kasyanov 2.291 0 469 800 1156
4 Alexander Gritsaj 2.180 0 343 700 777
half-backs MD
5 Andriy Spivak 2.620 14 250 000 394
7 Alexander Kundenok   3.960 8 258 800 283
8 Anatoly Ozimkovsky 2.136 30 371 900 849
9 Denis Andrienko   2.099 0 467 200 1128
16 Andriy Kukharuk 2.551 91 383 600 865
forwards FC
12 Andriy Riznyk 12.009 690 704 500 990
10 Artem Mostovyy   4.205 33 235 600 198
11 Yuriy Kosovan 4.200 42 256 400 261
reserve: 5
goalkeepers GK
1 Alex Rih   2.296 0 426 800 1023
full-backs D
3 Alexander Malygin     2.705 0 290 400 532
half-backs MD
6 Anatoli Masalov     2.667 24 333 800 656
forwards FC
13 Andriy Slobodyan     3.997 254 448 400 962
15 Alexander Bychkov     4.140 218 436 700 900
total: 16 / 25 56.71   5 975 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 6.848 5.372
center 19.582 7.903
right flank 8.891 4.575
Power of stuff: 53.173
trainer Viktor Hryshko (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.5166 games: 1515
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1133 games: 12634
The number of won private leagues: 63
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   9  
Armenia   14  
Australia   9  
Austria   0  
Azerbaijan   0  
Belarus   113  
Belgium   39  
Brazil   5  
Bulgaria   0  
Cameroon   0  
Chile   0  
Colombia   0  
Croatia   3  
Cyprus   0  
Czech   0  
Denmark   3  
Ecuador   7  
Egypt   10  
England   0  
Estonia   0  
Finland   0  
France   6  
Georgia   0  
Germany   20  
Ghana   0  
Greece   8  
Ireland   7  
Israel   0  
Italy   55  
Japan   0  
Kazakhstan   0  
Latvia   0  
Lithuania   31  
Mexico   0  
Moldova   11  
Netherlands   0  
Nigeria   0  
Norway   0  
Paraguay   7  
Peru   8  
Poland   0  
Portugal   0  
Romania   0  
Scotland   0  
Serbia   2  
Slovakia   10  
Slovenia   0  
South Africa   26  
Spain   2  
Sweden   0  
Switzerland   0  
Turkey   0  
USA   29  
Ukraine   2 307  
Uruguay   0  
Venezuela   0  
Wales   0  
total   1 2 741 1