


League: Premier
Team: Montevideos
Days in game: 1284
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 354 473 681 $

Experience of team: 225.407/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 87 704 600 $
Stadium: St.Vision 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Kim Vilfort 11.125 0 5 356 000 112
full-backs D
6 Connor Goldson 18.952 0 5 309 200 979
88 Artem Bobukh 15.675 0 5 220 300 1197
185 Joaquin Aguirre 11.737 0 4 829 100 583
2 Carlos Castrillo 9.910 0 4 514 700 50
half-backs MD
  Bassiriki Ouattara 12.330 61 4 832 100 608
100 Yousef Emghames 11.690 82 4 738 600 431
forwards FC
71 Xue Fei 17.401 619 4 886 900 626
  Pirmin Walker 21.545 449 8 053 800 891
98 Carlos Rodriguez Silvestre   16.959 582 5 110 200 991
33 Peter Kachuro 16.760 134 7 459 400 225
reserve: 6
goalkeepers GK
  Oscar Castro   9.949 0 4 518 400 48
full-backs D
  Godfried Frimpong   9.879 0 4 574 400 179
1 Kamolitdin Tadjiev   9.959 0 4 511 400 31
half-backs MD
7 Yi Guo   9.924 2 4 506 100 22
  Ignacio Lores   11.665 41 4 783 400 539
forwards FC
  Santiago Bellini   9.947 0 4 500 600 6
total: 17 / 25 225.407   87 704 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 29.802 25.718
center 32.752 42.581
right flank 50.054 32.397
Power of stuff: 213.306
trainer Georgijs Smirnovs (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9017 games: 950
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.1091 games: 3622
The number of won private leagues: 10

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Uruguay   17 318  
total   1 17 318 1