


League: Premier
Team: Max21
Days in game: 5468
last login 28 days ago
on the team account: 14 746 440 155 $

Experience of team: 243.095/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 105 945 600 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
2 Alexandru Pop 1.025 0 140 100 295
full-backs D
13 Alexey Ryabtsev 0.950 0 110 100 295
3 Christian Vishenskiy 0.965 0 110 100 295
  Alejandro David Espinoza 1.035 0 155 100 295
half-backs MD
5 Aldo Oviedo 0.865 4 101 200 295
17 Aidar Karabalin 0.835 1 100 600 295
  Ali Kartal 0.825 0 100 400 295
  Alexandre Perimael Yehoule 0.845 1 100 600 295
  Alexander N Doumbou 0.865 4 101 200 295
forwards FC
  Alexandre Guedes 1.020 32 106 800 295
10 Andrew Appleby 0.890 18 104 000 295
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Roman Lyopka   15.345 0 6 964 300 17
full-backs D
  Maksym Tsvyrenko   15.360 0 6 983 800 17
19 Vadym Malyuk   15.285 0 6 959 500 11
1 Evgen Tsymbalyuk   15.360 0 6 971 800 17
5 Oleksandr Golovko   15.360 0 6 971 800 17
half-backs MD
  Denys Favorov   15.420 9 6 970 600 14
  Yuriy Tkachuk   15.380 5 6 969 800 17
2 Sergiy Starenkiy   15.375 3 6 964 900 17
  Renat Mochulyak   15.190 1 6 938 000 6
  Ilya Siryi   15.360 0 6 971 800 17
  Yevgeniy Belych   15.160 0 6 942 000 0
  Vasco Walz   26.855 26 10 415 700 17
11 Stefan Sapic     21.985 0 10 716 000 3
forwards FC
77 Oleksandr Volkov   15.540 18 6 975 400 17
total: 25 / 25 243.095   105 945 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 1.071
center 3.262 3.607
right flank 1.98 3.23
Power of stuff: 13.152
trainer Vladimir Hrivnak (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.7047 games: 7550
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9729 games: 286533
The number of won private leagues: 378

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belarus   628  
Switzerland   311 857  
total   8 312 485 1