


League: Premier
Team: Manchesters
Days in game: 1133
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 4 691 884 254 $

Experience of team: 326.214/500
Quantity of footballers: 17
Salary expenses for all footballers: 116 677 000 $
Stadium: OldStadion 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
3 Anton Kanibolotskiy 17.200 0 7 122 800 1096
full-backs D
  Oleg Khrustavka 18.620 0 7 995 200 912
  Andriy Zin 17.795 0 7 406 100 1061
  Artem Vasko 18.060 0 7 384 100 1000
half-backs MD
  Andriy Malashchuk 15.925 110 5 506 900 1169
  Ruslan Dedukh   19.700 69 8 829 700 500
  McDonald Mariga 15.716 135 5 465 400 1119
100 Evgen Makarenko   18.810 266 6 822 900 1143
forwards FC
9 Daniel Angulo 29.352 1267 6 249 000 987
14 Andrea Vassallo 18.845 387 6 417 100 794
  Tilen Nagode 19.395 630 5 168 100 1012
reserve: 6
goalkeepers GK
  Ousmane Mane   19.190 0 8 180 400 496
full-backs D
  Alim Ozturk   19.070 0 8 125 400 1056
3 Khassim Soumare   15.885 0 5 767 500 1164
half-backs MD
11 Alibek Ayaganov     18.680 104 7 771 900 629
forwards FC
1 Donald Dering Djousse   23.186 585 7 145 200 818
14 Momar N Diaye   20.785 642 5 319 300 866
total: 17 / 25 326.214   116 677 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 66.328 47.548
center 66.037 39.285
right flank 5.175 47.864
Power of stuff: 272.24
trainer Giorgos Foiros (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4838 games: 745
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.6599 games: 2072
The number of won private leagues: 9

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Estonia   12 985  
total   1 12 985 1