


League: not entered
Team: Manchester_Utd
Days in game: 5950
on the team account: 64 181 444 771 $

Experience of team: 763.635/1050
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 263 561 900 $
Stadium: Old Trafford 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
100 Daniel Polakowski 8.065 0 4 620 000 489
full-backs D
9 Frankie Musonda 9.025 0 4 898 000 604
  Stefan Simic   8.130 0 4 616 500 474
9 Stian Molde 9.030 0 4 902 500 604
9 Svenn Crone 8.985 0 4 872 500 604
half-backs MD
  Dominic Ball 7.585 5 4 568 500 489
100 Odin Bailey   2.605 8 271 100 493
100 Jeremy Dudziak 25.805 1196 6 252 800 1080
forwards FC
100 Shihao Wei   2.775 78 289 600 504
9 Neilton 3.590 66 552 700 593
reserve: 15
full-backs D
100 Brandon Haunstrup   27.465 0 12 486 400 150
10 Brandon Ormonde-Ottewill   8.210 0 4 661 500 474
99 Dennis Slamar   33.025 0 15 372 000 0
99 Harun Velic   38.965 163 17 136 600 117
100 Noel Below   24.950 0 11 092 400 116
half-backs MD
99 Michal Galecki   65.535 1772 25 418 800 628
99 Bartlomiej Kasprzak   65.535 2534 20 903 000 825
99 Christian Wilhelmsson   65.535 3136 17 522 900 949
1 Masaya Matsumoto   29.650 0 13 779 000 0
99 Aleksa Vukanovic   65.535 2172 23 393 100 671
forwards FC
1 William Keane   21.655 0 9 919 500 0
99 Mladen Bartolovich   65.535 3344 14 879 400 1004
99 Bruno Henrique Pinto   35.375 566 13 581 900 186
99 Jesus Quintana   65.535 3980 13 563 000 1119
99 Filip Dangubic   65.535 3285 14 008 200 1011
total: 25 / 25 763.635   263 561 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 20.459
center 17.254 39.474
right flank 7.747 25.257
Power of stuff: 110.193
trainer Steve Cotterill (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.3068 games: 7113
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.9631 games: 18802
The number of won private leagues: 26

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   104 992 389  
total   2100 104 992 389 1