

League: not entered
Team: Macalabuco
Days in game: 4705
last login 4475 days ago
on the team account: -353 662 733 $

Experience of team: 35.862/45
Quantity of footballers: 10
Salary expenses for all footballers: 1 708 900 $
Stadium: Calumboka 8 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
reserve: 10
goalkeepers GK
16 Andrey Butrik   3.000 0 80 000 0
full-backs D
  Gabriel Fernando Roth   3.695 0 212 800 416
45 Michel Bertasso   3.705 0 212 800 416
25 Almir Imamovic   3.705 0 212 800 416
half-backs MD
  Oscar Dertycia   3.725 28 201 600 416
  Diego Fabian Torres   3.517 0 196 900 416
65 Alex Canadilla   3.000 0 80 000 0
18 Aleksey Gorelkin   3.973 61 207 300 416
forwards FC
  Alexis Chirinos   3.000 0 80 000 0
11 Marcos Emmanuel Ovejero   4.542 164 224 700 416
total: 10 / 25 35.862   1 708 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0 0
center 0 0
right flank 0 0
Power of stuff: 0

Official matches: wins/losses 0.0000 games: 0
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2446 games: 416
The number of won private leagues: 1
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   208  
total   1 208 1