


League: not entered
Team: LokomotivTashkent
Days in game: 2996
last login 1974 days ago
on the team account: 150 140 911 076 $

Experience of team: 156.853/200
Quantity of footballers: 22
Salary expenses for all footballers: 41 447 100 $
Stadium: none 248 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
100 Mahmuthan Samet Acar   10.495 0 4 838 800 858
100 Bilal Hallaclar 10.255 0 4 861 200 942
100 Radkevich 9.158 0 4 845 000 1123
half-backs MD
100 Iskander Kholmirzaev   11.494 81 4 820 500 748
100 Ilnur Khazigaliyev 9.320 47 4 875 900 1103
100 Server Djeparov   7.315 0 4 705 700 871
100 Karen Avakian 7.855 252 665 900 1117
forwards FC
100 Maxim Kalinin   8.105 324 485 000 575
70 Husniddin Gafurov 7.550 242 446 600 528
70 Laziz Ubaydullayev 8.910 336 528 100 610
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
100 Ataberk Gurgen   4.225 0 364 000 509
full-backs D
100 Sherzod Fayziev   4.804 0 540 000 1081
100 Javadullo Ibragimov   7.055 0 4 767 200 1123
70 Aziz Gulamhojaev   7.595 0 1 801 700 753
half-backs MD
100 Shohrukh Gadoev   4.935 0 201 600 12
100 Vagiz Galiulin     4.365 50 472 100 946
100 Ravshan Abduvakhidov   7.261 80 551 500 790
100 Bobir Davlatov     5.050 8 226 800 77
70 Dilshod Rakhmatullayev   2.520 155 463 400 1109
forwards FC
30 Ilya Kovalenko   8.124 298 490 200 595
70 Salim Mustafayev   5.327 69 269 000 195
100 Arslan Talipov   5.135 17 226 900 58
total: 22 / 25 156.853   41 447 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 11.583 18.726
center 24.248 20.3
right flank 19.608 23.124
Power of stuff: 117.591

Official matches: wins/losses 0.9500 games: 1108
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0306 games: 65024
The number of won private leagues: 189

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Turkey   152 500 009  
total   3050 152 500 009 1