


League: Premier
Team: Leicester_City_FC
Days in game: 1152
last login 16 days ago
on the team account: -1 956 783 910 $

Experience of team: 1364.576/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 610 252 100 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
20 Agustin Staropoli 65.525 1 40 122 000 780
full-backs D
10 Mehdi Benatia 31.036 0 13 412 600 347
20 Arghus 65.525 894 31 779 800 1009
33 Alexandre Calisto 65.525 1167 31 691 900 1026
half-backs MD
20 Cerdeira 5.210 3 240 600 69
20 Ablie Jallow 7.295 2 1 333 900 29
33 Leonardo Daniel Ponzio 5.220 5 240 000 68
forwards FC
20 Dardan Rugova   65.525 2082 27 321 500 866
33 Dragan Kapcevic 65.535 2563 25 123 100 1027
20 Dieter Muller 65.535 2510 28 002 400 938
20 Jakub Bednarczyk 5.170 6 237 200 65
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
20 Andreas Doriadis   65.535 1442 30 173 300 615
33 Andreas Soreide   65.535 1148 27 399 700 722
full-backs D
20 Santiago Eduardo Morero     65.535 0 34 688 600 1135
33 Adi Mehremic   65.535 1109 27 202 500 837
20 Alejandro Arribas   65.535 1041 33 080 200 779
20 Justin Hoyte   65.535 0 38 537 100 990
33 Daniel Carrico   65.535 1330 28 882 600 838
half-backs MD
33 Kevin Byers   65.520 2486 19 765 600 1199
20 Odil Ahmedov     65.535 428 38 887 000 1191
forwards FC
33 Michal Mak   65.535 2074 26 016 600 1054
20 Dino Plazibat   65.535 2301 24 590 000 1084
20 David Barrero   65.535 2355 25 710 300 1149
33 Dhiego Martins   65.535 2642 26 121 100 1149
33 Jakub Kosecki   65.535 2015 29 692 500 840
total: 25 / 25 1364.576   610 252 100  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 12.247 119.102
center 70.289 133.865
right flank 173.763 49.936
Power of stuff: 559.206
trainer Don Givens (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 6.8595 games: 1040
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.6700 games: 4369
The number of won private leagues: 16

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   498 499  
Germany   500 009  
total   20 998 508 1