


League: not entered
Team: Kubok-3
Days in game: 3709
last login 25 days ago
on the team account: 13 059 080 $

Experience of team: 792.415/1050
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 151 790 600 $
Stadium: 5 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Jose Ortega 5.435 0 464 200 631
full-backs D
  Samuel Mohammed   3.810 0 222 700 180
5 Edward Benitez 7.625 0 621 900 812
5 Stefano Saketti 8.570 0 710 900 940
5 Cupid Derbel 3.420 0 226 000 224
half-backs MD
8 Dzhoel Vjullemjuller   7.960 110 598 100 788
  Jose Tejada   5.035 0 430 100 603
  Jorge Antonio Mendez   5.150 23 432 700 598
forwards FC
9 Temistocles Perez 4.165 37 236 400 203
10 Matimba Tonsi 6.510 126 488 100 656
  Ricardo Fossatti 4.565 0 200 500 45
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
  Sheng-Hsin Wei     65.535 3589 12 065 500 1100
99 Radu Mitu   65.535 3481 14 811 500 1100
full-backs D
  Ilimotama Jese   65.535 3476 12 656 300 1100
3 Valid Zhdidi   4.065 0 207 500 111
4 Vadym Bolokhan   65.535 3453 12 836 700 1100
  Viktor Patrashko   65.535 3520 12 106 500 1100
half-backs MD
  Oscar Napoleon Villarreal   5.220 53 376 200 468
111 Gheorghe Anton   65.535 3729 15 695 800 1100
  Brandon Payne   65.535 3727 11 408 300 1100
forwards FC
  Nicolae Nemerenco   65.535 3984 15 241 700 1100
  Vadim Gulceac   65.535 3931 13 936 900 1100
69 Vlad Ivanov   65.535 3899 10 840 500 1100
  Grigore Coscodan   65.535 3965 14 975 600 1100
total: 24 / 25 792.415   151 790 600  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 8.521 14.344
center 13.53 20.085
right flank 8.463 15.972
Power of stuff: 80.916
trainer Gary O Neil (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.1146 games: 1086
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.0864 games: 16677
The number of won private leagues: 41
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Austria   3 326  
Slovenia   16 023  
total   2 19 349 1