


League: Premier
Team: Karp2010
Days in game: 5033
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 297 488 678 331 $

Experience of team: 506.445/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 230 577 300 $
Stadium: Lviv_Arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Darko Prsa 9.835 0 4 632 500 110
full-backs D
10 Denis Sme 11.545 62 4 945 100 701
10 Gregor Balazic 9.835 0 4 632 500 110
10 Miroslav Grbic 9.835 0 4 632 500 110
half-backs MD
10 Nejc Pecnik 9.845 4 4 630 300 110
10 Urban Zibert 10.675 58 4 802 000 515
10 Goran Cvijanovic   10.475 32 4 832 300 574
10 Dalibor Radujko 10.665 48 4 830 800 578
10 Luca Chinello   12.185 108 5 080 100 1078
10 Erik Janza   11.215 108 4 826 500 524
forwards FC
10 Yaroslav Deda   23.990 1239 5 421 600 1083
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
11 David Adam   27.585 0 13 017 500 22
22 Maksym Lavrenyuk   27.710 0 13 099 900 5
full-backs D
11 Janez Pisek   27.600 0 13 022 400 27
11 Matic Zitko   27.610 0 13 022 400 27
11 Sandi Coralic   27.610 0 13 022 400 27
22 Oleksandr Kulinich   16.960 0 7 882 500 0
half-backs MD
11 Daniel Vujcic   27.635 5 13 021 700 27
11 Luka Lazar   27.605 2 13 020 500 27
11 Mitja Viler   27.580 3 13 005 500 31
11 Goran Sukalo   27.615 3 13 020 900 27
11 Matej Palcic   27.585 0 13 019 700 27
11 Nejc Skubic   27.665 8 13 022 900 27
forwards FC
11 Gregor Romic   27.900 34 13 033 300 27
22 O Romanchuk   27.685 0 13 099 500 0
total: 25 / 25 506.445   230 577 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 10.401 21.055
center 52.855 53.031
right flank 10.008 21.773
Power of stuff: 169.125
trainer Vip Trener 22061 (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.5197 games: 4775
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3352 games: 89468
The number of won private leagues: 160

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Slovenia   1 023 477 221  
total   20470 1 023 477 221 1