


League: not entered
Team: KRC_Genk
Days in game: 3128
last login 230 days ago
on the team account: -1 039 144 515 $

Experience of team: 146.159/200
Quantity of footballers: 20
Salary expenses for all footballers: 62 749 300 $
Stadium: 239 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
  Sina Ashoori Mehranjani 1.652 0 248 800 488
13 Zaid Al Mowalad   4.165 0 252 800 221
  Hossein Kanaanizadegan 2.357 0 524 800 1142
  Saeed Salarzadeh   3.922 0 4 694 000 1170
half-backs MD
  Mohammad Sadegh Barani 2.717 48 4 615 000 1129
  Mehdi Mehdikhani 8.660 119 4 788 400 982
255 Vahid Amiri 9.380 4 4 516 300 102
10 Morteza Pouraliganji   2.162 15 287 600 543
  Shahab Karami 4.840 0 200 000 18
forwards FC
3 Kaveh Rezaei 4.640 70 265 100 235
reserve: 10
full-backs D
  Felix Crisanto   10.015 0 4 504 500 0
  Odis Borjas   10.015 0 4 504 500 0
  Jhonatan Paz   10.015 0 4 504 500 0
3 Marko Alexander Kano   10.015 0 4 504 500 0
half-backs MD
  Javier Arnaldo Portillo   13.445 111 4 765 900 344
  Mayron Flores   10.985 37 4 635 800 226
  David Jose Meza   21.385 247 5 332 300 1023
  Mohammadreza Kaveh   4.660 12 4 598 500 862
  Mohammad Nozhati   8.697 13 4 606 500 433
forwards FC
100 Rasoul Khatibi   2.432 193 399 500 910
total: 20 / 25 146.159   62 749 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 8.63 16.435
center 8.047 13.278
right flank 6.915 1.956
Power of stuff: 55.263
trainer Eduardo Lujan Manera (3 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.5299 games: 1628
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.7106 games: 34129
The number of won private leagues: 97
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Belgium   385 848  
Portugal   4 953  
total   11 390 801 1