
League: not entered
Team: Juventini
Days in game: 5441
last login 216 days ago
on the team account: 18 069 576 698 $

Experience of team: 213.105/500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 84 874 900 $
Stadium: Death arena 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Ivan Pelizzoli 8.808 0 4 505 000 136
full-backs D
2 Mauro Sergio 2.509 0 1 074 400 714
3 Yamoudou Camara 1.915 0 619 700 1053
4 Maxim Stojan 2.085 0 223 500 366
5 Isaac Okoronkvo 4.156 0 1 260 300 659
6 Artem Yarmolenko 2.326 0 343 800 669
half-backs MD
8 Andrey Yakimenko 3.046 26 819 600 597
107 Oleksandr Tsimbalyk 1.862 9 318 800 449
6 Ousmane Dabo 9.233 0 4 835 000 176
112 Gennadiy Zubov   3.501 103 1 244 800 975
forwards FC
110 Maxim Kundel   6.930 297 1 711 400 959
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
100 Nadezhda Baranova     12.029 0 3 509 700 1038
full-backs D
104 Igor Kryzhanovsky   10.153 0 3 394 200 928
half-backs MD
14 Jordi Cruyff   13.030 0 5 943 000 0
106 Vira Dyatel   5.220 3 252 600 13
108 Oleksandr Ohrimchuk     12.765 1 5 763 700 33
111 Dino Badzho   17.018 0 7 903 800 365
8 Bryan Yakimenko   16.283 12 7 672 900 445
25 Mauro Kamoranezi   12.463 80 3 781 300 512
forwards FC
7 Nicola Amoruso   14.455 29 6 469 300 47
11 Amauri   10.585 0 4 777 500 0
111 Sergey Atelkin   10.845 25 4 804 000 79
223 David Di Michele   19.195 196 8 046 200 341
224 Philip Yakimenko   12.693 73 5 600 400 153
total: 24 / 25 213.105   84 874 900  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 0.605 8.689
center 10.629 18.514
right flank 9.998 11.838
Power of stuff: 60.276
trainer Mikhail Butusov (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.2724 games: 6666
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.4633 games: 30334
The number of won private leagues: 32
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   551  
Australia   464  
Austria   46  
Belgium   360  
Brazil   391  
Chile   8  
Croatia   400  
Czech   68  
Denmark   202  
Egypt   0  
England   522  
France   457  
Georgia   0  
Germany   495  
Ghana   222  
Greece   227  
Ireland   539  
Israel   0  
Italy   748  
Japan   104  
Kazakhstan   0  
Mexico   408  
Moldova   0  
Netherlands   307  
Poland   0  
Portugal   508  
Russia   1 983  
Scotland   0  
Serbia   126  
Slovenia   0  
South Africa   176  
Spain   675  
Turkey   507  
USA   255  
Ukraine   26 769 580  
Venezuela   0  
total   746 26 780 329 36