


League: Premier
Team: Italia
Days in game: 584
on the team account: 522 088 175 $

Experience of team: 214.252/500
Quantity of footballers: 18
Salary expenses for all footballers: 85 637 200 $
Stadium: Fragolini 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Filippo Perucchini 10.565 0 4 641 500 339
full-backs D
6 Luca Antonelli 7.000 0 1 618 500 52
13 Amedeo Carboni 10.490 0 4 647 700 365
5 Christian Maggio 10.370 0 4 764 200 198
7 Giuseppe Favalli 10.190 0 4 706 500 130
  Pierluigi Cera 10.395 0 4 633 800 298
half-backs MD
22 Attilio Lombardo 10.914 64 5 251 900 574
77 Marko Kassetti 4.229 33 505 400 495
  Giancarlo De Sisti 8.375 70 1 712 600 321
forwards FC
7 Antonio Angelillo 12.470 219 4 717 500 429
22 Bruno Giordano 15.303 479 5 939 800 831
reserve: 7
full-backs D
  Damiano Tommasi   11.200 0 5 068 500 0
7 Mark Iuliano   12.590 0 5 609 000 378
13 Manuel Pasqual   13.150 0 5 785 200 235
2 Luigi Apolloni   14.560 0 6 470 700 658
half-backs MD
1 Antonio Di Gennaro   20.491 190 7 369 700 1046
27 Carlo Nervo   13.490 31 6 009 100 279
forwards FC
23 Aldo Serena   18.470 520 6 185 600 814
total: 18 / 25 214.252   85 637 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 22.641 27.658
center 10.805 36.603
right flank 19.758 25.922
Power of stuff: 143.388
trainer Hamid Alidoosti (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.2768 games: 293
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 2.1014 games: 778
The number of won private leagues: 3
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Italy   2 197  
total   1 2 197 1