


League: Premier
Team: IBAH
Days in game: 1152
on the team account: 950 900 478 $

Experience of team: 196.16/200
Quantity of footballers: 14
Salary expenses for all footballers: 72 090 500 $
Stadium: John stad 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
99 Ivan Conjar 11.295 0 4 711 500 354
full-backs D
  Ivan Gonzalez 13.310 0 4 884 700 578
24 Ivan Kostic 11.815 0 5 363 000 59
99 Ivan Rubio 16.450 0 5 158 800 975
  Ivan Churikov 16.145 0 5 128 700 935
half-backs MD
  Ivan Tsankov 10.370 18 4 608 300 203
  Ivan Ljubic 12.295 0 5 580 000 0
  Ivan Corredor 12.325 0 5 605 500 0
forwards FC
  Luka Ivanovic 11.655 2 5 310 900 15
12 Ivan Terzic 23.735 646 5 467 300 1043
100 Ivan Stoyanov 10.815 38 4 721 200 84
reserve: 3
full-backs D
  Ivan Micunovic     17.070 0 5 376 100 1096
half-backs MD
10 Ivan Markovic   10.625 12 4 789 900 61
23 Ivan Goranov   18.255 293 5 384 600 1116
total: 14 / 25 196.16   72 090 500  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 52.905 41.553
center 8.71 35.276
right flank 18.521 38.301
Power of stuff: 195.269
trainer Ivan Hasek (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.1398 games: 631
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2915 games: 2560
The number of won private leagues: 6

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Kazakhstan   13 139  
total   1 13 139 1