


League: Premier
Team: HapoD
Days in game: 1661
last login 1 days ago
on the team account: 137 971 458 $

Experience of team: 409.975/500
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 165 587 200 $
Stadium: Народний Стадіон 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
1 Bohdan Shust 24.355 0 10 924 100 850
full-backs D
  Mikhailo Starostyak 18.954 0 7 600 800 302
4 Sergey Fedorov   17.056 0 6 182 800 750
12 Serhiy Shmatovalenko   18.915 0 8 527 000 500
3 Andrii Nesmachniy 20.009 0 7 170 700 599
half-backs MD
17 Edouard Tsykhmeistruk 17.675 85 6 780 400 389
7 Kandaurov Sergey 17.970 98 6 472 600 752
25 Olexander Rykun 17.759 61 6 533 400 719
15 Vasyl Kardash 17.415 90 5 922 400 520
forwards FC
10 Sergy Nagornjak 16.787 503 3 728 100 942
1 Yevhen Seleznyov 18.337 566 6 159 700 945
reserve: 12
goalkeepers GK
1 Vitaly Reva   18.548 0 8 063 000 927
12 Dmytro Shutkov   24.779 0 9 902 500 286
full-backs D
2 Andriy Rusol   12.275 0 5 613 000 10
57 Vladimir Mikitin   15.420 0 6 828 400 218
1 Artem Fedetskyy   15.420 0 6 845 500 322
11 Andrey Rusol   20.526 0 9 429 700 1097
half-backs MD
  Serhiy Shyschenko   15.905 0 7 335 500 11
6 Dmytro Mykhailenko   16.010 1 7 362 200 36
25 Alexander Rykun   22.105 35 8 676 400 528
forwards FC
88 Andriy Vorobey   13.125 6 6 001 200 12
9 Volodymyr Gomenyuk   13.740 82 5 810 900 136
99 Olexander Melaschenko   16.890 17 7 716 900 50
total: 23 / 25 409.975   165 587 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 51.501 42.404
center 26.677 64.176
right flank 17.287 64.749
Power of stuff: 266.797
trainer Todd Hicks (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.1422 games: 1877
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9969 games: 1459
The number of won private leagues: 6
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ukraine   16 080  
total   2 16 080 1