


League: Premier
Team: Hannibal
Days in game: 2903
last login 9 days ago
on the team account: 114 182 887 113 $

Experience of team: 330.631/500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 86 262 700 $
Stadium: Hannibal Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
20 Ralf Fahrmann   12.625 0 4 996 100 901
full-backs D
3 Welinton Souza Silva 13.095 0 5 028 400 942
40 Neil Taylor   12.845 0 5 079 900 1097
  Gonzalo Castro 12.240 0 5 042 000 1089
6 Chris Basham 11.842 0 5 006 800 1019
half-backs MD
7 Lei Wu 14.825 112 5 132 400 1067
1 Romaine Sawyers 15.020 157 5 137 800 1091
5 Andreas Bouchalakis   15.265 144 5 160 000 1067
forwards FC
  Pablo Piatti 21.865 768 5 287 100 1039
8 Yuya Osako 21.615 802 5 303 900 1063
9 Youssef El-Arabi 15.640 406 4 880 300 541
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Helton Leite     8.930 0 1 801 300 599
  Charles Swini   41.115 2318 6 430 000 905
full-backs D
  Harold Moukoudi     7.920 0 1 723 900 469
4 Jose Martines   20.292 0 5 914 700 1085
50 Francisco Femenia   5.360 65 406 100 536
  Jonas Svensson   10.000 0 4 500 000 0
half-backs MD
222 Ryan Jack   5.135 50 411 500 569
43 Marco van Ginkel   12.812 120 4 873 000 659
8 Vicente Iborra   4.170 21 221 800 254
  Emre Akbaba   7.370 53 1 610 600 263
forwards FC
  Marko Stankovic     7.575 211 400 200 333
16 Blair Scadden   23.658 1275 1 499 100 1198
111 Jeffrey Schlupp   4.387 123 212 600 263
  Thiam Mame Baba   5.030 1 203 200 4
total: 25 / 25 330.631   86 262 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 30.254 39.135
center 4.818 43.061
right flank 71.104 28.563
Power of stuff: 216.936
trainer Jose Pekerman (1 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3407 games: 2808
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9232 games: 20417
The number of won private leagues: 41

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Ghana   23 685  
total   1 23 685 1