


League: Premier
Team: Gornik_Zabrze
Days in game: 629
on the team account: 103 620 803 610 $

Experience of team: 1109.339/1500
Quantity of footballers: 24
Salary expenses for all footballers: 372 196 000 $
Stadium: none 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
99 Johan Guadagno 65.535 1326 18 768 100 1150
full-backs D
99 Emre Erdogdu 65.535 1332 18 803 700 1149
99 Joachim Bjorklund 65.535 11 35 510 800 1187
half-backs MD
99 Niclas Alexandersson 65.535 240 24 410 000 1188
99 Samuel Holmen 65.535 1691 23 871 700 1121
99 Mikael Nilsson   65.535 1442 18 207 900 1113
forwards FC
99 Dan Corneliusson 65.535 2899 17 177 600 1029
99 Nordin Gerzic 65.535 3504 13 748 600 1185
99 Agne Simonsson 65.535 2322 17 599 800 1098
99 Kennedy Bakircioglu 65.535 2966 17 098 200 1106
99 Kennet Andersson 65.535 2531 14 821 600 1175
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
10 Willem Doesburg   18.355 0 6 986 400 159
full-backs D
10 German Alejo Pezzella   32.535 0 14 896 400 114
10 Rodrigo Caio   32.895 0 13 878 400 105
10 Matthias Herget   17.030 0 6 361 800 355
99 Daniel Majstorovic   65.535 0 34 305 800 1074
10 Roberto Perfumo   18.965 0 7 358 900 147
10 Luka Peruzovic   19.270 0 7 592 400 157
half-backs MD
10 Rui Barros   18.885 104 6 293 100 450
10 Dieter Eilts   17.775 50 6 501 200 335
10 Ignacio Zoco   23.785 105 7 625 900 604
  Przemyslaw Placheta   43.270 35 20 726 200 217
forwards FC
10 Alexander Schmidt   28.089 1149 3 536 700 666
100 Maxence Rivera   52.065 832 16 114 800 280
total: 24 / 25 1109.339   372 196 000  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 156.19
center 141.991 56.796
right flank 212.987 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Jesse Carver (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.2393 games: 407
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3759 games: 6831
The number of won private leagues: 26

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Poland   30 953  
total   1 30 953 1