


League: Premier
Team: FK_Mandalskameratene
Days in game: 4622
last login 2 days ago
on the team account: 6 963 313 686 $

Experience of team: 254.815/500
Quantity of footballers: 19
Salary expenses for all footballers: 100 649 200 $
Stadium: Nosk 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
10 Frode Olsen 12.675 0 5 782 000 6
full-backs D
  HÃ¥kon Reisvaag Lindland   10.000 0 2 582 000 39
  Andre Bergdolmo 11.055 0 5 114 000 40
  Mads Heldal 11.925 0 5 374 800 966
half-backs MD
15 Magnus Eikrem 11.965 2 5 504 400 37
  Endre Omland   12.555 77 5 455 800 918
185 Alexander Gorgon 12.125 68 5 225 900 971
forwards FC
100 Stale Solbakken 6.065 0 1 537 000 4
  Azar Karadas 11.540 7 5 262 400 36
67 Goran Sorloth 12.815 15 5 818 500 30
14 Steffen Iversen 11.635 18 5 298 100 53
reserve: 8
goalkeepers GK
1 Erik Thorstvedt   15.575 0 7 063 700 644
1 Leif Kvamme Lysne   14.275 0 6 555 500 139
full-backs D
2 Jonathan Parr     17.465 0 6 291 200 682
48 Henrik Bredeli   18.432 117 5 310 500 712
12 Inge Nilsen   12.475 0 3 734 500 106
half-backs MD
  Anders Kvinen   16.308 67 7 281 900 1040
forwards FC
10 Vegard Edelsten   20.600 399 7 749 600 670
  Henrik Nyhus   15.330 385 3 707 400 809
total: 19 / 25 254.815   100 649 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 30.127 27.494
center 17.026 26.388
right flank 28.708 31.912
Power of stuff: 161.657
trainer Benny Johansen (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 0.9270 games: 4607
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 0.9595 games: 10659
The number of won private leagues: 25

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Denmark   154  
Norway   31 465  
Sweden   202  
total   4 31 821 1