


League: Premier
Team: FK_Bodo_Glimt
Days in game: 3049
on the team account: 8 200 725 899 $

Experience of team: 743.697/750
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 317 387 300 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Oliver Petersen 13.600 0 5 102 300 1159
full-backs D
  Brice Wembangomo 14.805 0 5 715 800 1156
19 Brede Moe 12.600 0 4 854 000 664
  Sondre Sorli 12.590 0 4 854 000 664
4 Marius Hoibraten 10.835 0 4 629 600 254
half-backs MD
  Morten Konradsen 5.120 4 217 300 30
14 Ulrik Saltnes   14.275 64 5 127 800 1159
  Vegard Moberg   16.350 276 5 170 200 1159
forwards FC
  Adan Hussein 27.300 1327 5 504 800 1156
  Gilbert Koomson 33.462 1688 5 789 600 1112
9 Runar Espejord 21.500 713 5 589 400 1085
reserve: 14
goalkeepers GK
  Marcus Andersen   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
full-backs D
  Isak Amundsen   40.090 0 18 919 500 0
  Vegard Kongsro   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
2 Marius Lode   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
half-backs MD
  Sondre Fet   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Kent Malic Swaleh   40.090 0 18 928 500 0
5 Runar Hauge   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Ask Tjaerandsen-Skau   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Elias Hagen   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
forwards FC
  Tyler Wolff   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Mathis Servais   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Amahl Pellegrino   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Mads Halsoy   40.090 0 18 915 000 0
  Marcos Andre   40.090 0 18 919 500 0
total: 25 / 25 743.697   317 387 300  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 27.95 19.978
center 58.938 48.259
right flank 46.828 35.211
Power of stuff: 237.166
trainer Dean Spink (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.3236 games: 1022
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.8886 games: 27839
The number of won private leagues: 129

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   1 940 253  
Norway   108 629 203  
total   2240 110 569 456 2